Chen Group
National Taiwan University
Electrically conductors are the backbone of energy and electronic applications. The chemistry and physics of conductive materials are significantly influenced by the behavior of charge carriers. Our research focuses on exploring and exploiting the material functionalities that are related to ions and electrons in solids.

Batteries enable energy storage by accommodating ions and electrons in electrode materials. The storage capacity and charging speed of batteries essentially refer to the thermodynamics and transport kinetics of charge carriers, respectively. Our goal is to elucidate the storage and transport mechanism of battery materials and to develop new materials that exhibit high storage capacity and fast charging rate.
Semiconductor materials are the core of electronic devices. The electronic properties of semiconductors are varied by the lattice defects.
We aim at understanding the defect-induced reaction and diffusion processes.
In combination with theoretical modeling, thin film fabrications, and spectroscopic characterizations, such study could pave the way for developing new materials in power and memory applications.