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J. Park, H. Zhao, S. D. Kang, K. Lim, C.-C. Chen, Y.-S. Yu, R. D Braatz, D. A Shapiro, J. Hong, M. F Toney, M. Z Bazant, W. C Chueh, Fictitious phase separation in Li layered oxides driven by electro-autocatalysis, Nature Materials, 20, 991–999

C.-C. Chen, Y. Yin, S. D. Kang, W. Cai, and W. C. Chueh, Electro-chemo-mechanical charge carrier equilibrium at interfaces, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 41, 23730-23740


Kang, C. Y., Lin, L. Y., Nguyen, T., Chen, C. C., ... & Su, Y. S. (2024). High-Power Battery Electrodes Fabricated by Acupuncture-Inspired Microneedle Processing, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16, 41, 55429–55436

Wan, G.*, Pollard, T. P., Ma, L., Schroeder, M. A., Chen, C. C., Zhu, Z., ... & Toney, M. F. (2024). Solvent-mediated oxide hydrogenation in layered cathodes. Science, 385(6714), 1230-1236.

Lin, L. Y., & Chen, C. C.* (2024). Accurate characterization of transference numbers in electrolyte systems. Journal of Power Sources, 603, 234236.

Chang, L. Y., Chang, C. C., Renawati, M., ... Chen, C. C., ... & Yeh M.S.* (2024). Near-infrared photoelectrochromic device with graphene quantum dot modified WO3 thin film toward fast-response thermal management for self-powered Agrivoltaics. Applied Energy, 361, 122930.

Philip Anggo Krisbiantoro, Tzu-Jung Kuo, Yu-Chia Chang, Weisheng Liao, Jih-Peng Sun, Chun-Yen Yang, Yuichi Kamiya, Fa-Kuen Shieh, Chia-Chin Chen*, Kevin C-W Wu. PET-derived bis (2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate as a new linker source for solvent-free and hydrothermal synthesis of BDC-based MOFs. Materials Today Nano, 100459.

J. Park, H. Zhao, S. D. Kang, K. Lim, C.-C. Chen, Y.-S. Yu, R. D Braatz, D. A Shapiro, J. Hong, M. F Toney, M. Z Bazant, W. C Chueh, Fictitious phase separation in Li layered oxides driven by electro-autocatalysis, Nature Materials, 20, 991–999

C.-C. Chen, Y. Yin, S. D. Kang, W. Cai, and W. C. Chueh, Electro-chemo-mechanical charge carrier equilibrium at interfaces, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 41, 23730-23740


Lin, M. H., Lu, M. Y., Chou, H. L., Wan, G., & Chen, C. C.* Intercalation of Hydrogen in Perovskite Oxide for Pseudocapacitive Energy Storage. Chemistry of Materials, 35(24), 10487-10494.

J. Park, H. Zhao, S. D. Kang, K. Lim, C.-C. Chen, Y.-S. Yu, R. D Braatz, D. A Shapiro, J. Hong, M. F Toney, M. Z Bazant, W. C Chueh, Fictitious phase separation in Li layered oxides driven by electro-autocatalysis, Nature Materials, 20, 991–999

C.-C. Chen, Y. Yin, S. D. Kang, W. Cai, and W. C. Chueh, Electro-chemo-mechanical charge carrier equilibrium at interfaces, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 41, 23730-23740


J. Park, H. Zhao, S. D. Kang, K. Lim, C.-C. Chen, Y.-S. Yu, R. D Braatz, D. A Shapiro, J. Hong, M. F Toney, M. Z Bazant, W. C Chueh, Fictitious phase separation in Li layered oxides driven by electro-autocatalysis, Nature Materials, 20, 991–999

C.-C. Chen, Y. Yin, S. D. Kang, W. Cai, and W. C. Chueh, Electro-chemo-mechanical charge carrier equilibrium at interfaces, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 41, 23730-23740


C.-C. Chen, J. Maier, Decoupling electron and ion storage and the path from interfacial storage to artificial electrodes. Nature Energy, 3, 102–108

Qiubo Zhang, Zhe Shi, Kuibo Yin, Hui Dong, Feng Xu, Xinxing Peng, Kaihao Yu, Hongtao Zhang, C.- C. Chen, Ilia Valov, Haimei Zheng, Litao Sun, Spring-Like Pseudoelectroelasticity of Monocrystalline Cu2S Nanowire. Nano Letters, 18, 5070-5077

L. Fu, C.-C. Chen, J. Maier, Interfacial mass storage in nanocomposites. Solid State Ionics 318,54-59

C.-C. Chen, E. Navickas, J. Fleig, J. Maier, Kinetics of space charge storage in composites. Advanced Functional Materials, 28, 1705999

C.-C. Chen, J. Maier, Increased Storage through Heterogeneous Doping. Chemistry of Materials, 30,5041-5049.


C.-C. Chen, J. Maier, Synergistic silver storage in the composite RbAg4I5:graphite: Thermodynamics and kinetics. Solid State Ionics, 312, 97–105

R. M. L. McFadden, T. J. Buck, A. Chatzichristos, C.-C. Chen, D. L. Cortie, K. H. Chow, M. H. Dehn, V. L. Karner, D. Koumoulis, D. P. Levy, C. Li, I. McKenzie, R. Merkle, G. D. Morris, M. R. Pearson, D. Samuelis, M. Stachura, J.Xiao, J. Maier, R. F. Kiefl, W. A. MacFarlane. Microscopic dynamics of Li+ in rutile TiO2 revealed by 8Li β-Detected NMR. Chemistry of Materials, 10187–10197

C.-C. Chen, J. R. Selman, Anode modeling of a molten-carbonate based direct carbon fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources, 353, 312-322

C. Zhu, C. Wu, C.-C. Chen, P. Kopold, P. A. van Aken, J. Maier, Y. Yu, A high power-high energy Na3V2(PO4)2F3 sodium cathode: Investigation of transport parameters, rational design and realization. Chemistry of Materials, 29(12), 5207–5215

C.-C. Chen, J. Maier, Space charge storage in composites: thermodynamics. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 6379-6396


C.-C. Chen, L. Fu, J. Maier, Synergistic, ultrafast mass storage and removal in artificial mixed conductors. Nature, 536, 159–164


Y.-L. Ding, Y.-R. Wen, C.-C. Chen, P. A. van Aken, J. Maier, and Y. Yu, Nanosheets of earth-abundant jarosite as novel anodes for high-rate and long-life lithium-ion batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(19), 10518–10524

N. Ohmer, B. Fenk, D. Samuelis, C.-C. Chen, J. Maier, M. Weigand, E. Goering, and G. Schütz, Phase evolution in single-crystalline LiFePO4 followed by in-situ scanning X-ray microscopy of a micrometre-sized battery, Nature Communications, 6, 6045, 1–7

Y.-C. Chen, G. Gregori, A. Leineweber, F. Qu, C.-C. Chen, T. Tietze, H. Kronmüller, G. Schütz, and E. Goering, Unique high-temperature performance of highly condensed MnBi permanent magnets, Scripta Materialia,107, 131–135


L. Fu, C.-C. Chen, D. Samuelis, and J. Maier, Thermodynamics of lithium storage at abrupt junctions: Modeling and experimental evidence, Physical Review Letters, 112, 208301, 1–5

J. Liu, K. P. Song, C. Zhu, C.-C. Chen, P. A. van Aken, Y. Yu, and J. Maier, Ge/C nanowires as high-capacity and long-life anode materials for Li-ion batteries,


L. Fu, K. Tang, C.-C. Chen, L. L. Liu, X. X. Guo, Y. Yu, and J. Maier, Free-standing Ag/C coaxial hybrid electrodes as anodes for Li-ion batteries, Nanoscale, 5(23), 11568–11571


J. R. Selman and C.-C. Chen, Scientific and technical maturity of molten carbonate technology, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(24), 19280–19288

C.-C. Chen, T. Maruyama, P.-H. Hsieh and J. R. Selman, Wetting behavior of carbon in molten carbonate, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 159, D597–D604

P.-H. Hsieh, C.-C. Chen, and J. R. Selman, Effect of ionic transport and separation on the meniscus in molten carbonate electrolyte, Fuel Cells, 12, 439-449

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